about the show
“Expanding decades, FOR COLORED BOYZ ON THE VERGE OF A NERVOUS BREAKDOWN/ when freedom ain’t enuff echoes the poignant storytelling of my grandfather father, and future son. As a colored boy, I walked away charged to responsibly tell my story.” -- Kevin Anderson, T.R.U.T.H. Project.
FOR COLORED BOYZ on the verge of a nervous breakdown/ when freedom ain’t enuff is an unabashed display of blackness that's unapologetic and speaks to the human heart from a black man's perspective. Originally written after the death of Michael Brown (August 9, 2014) this is a love letter to the black man in all his glory, vulnerability, psychosis and heartbreak. This piece brings social issues to the stage and addresses issues within the black community that are taboo. Afro-centric rhythms and dance are the pulse of this piece and must be handled delicately. This piece works well with someone who is a director-choreographer but if these roles are to be split the director and choreographer must work in tandem as they prepare this piece for production. Trained dancers aren't necessary but highly encourage actors who move well within their facility. FOR COLORED BOYZ resonates with its audiences no matter their ethnicity or demographic, there is a common thread that brings us all together when sitting in the dark watching this show; to go forth with understanding and love.